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Broken Inside?

If you are reading this post I am sure you are looking for a solution for heartbreak. Now by heartbreak, I don't only mean feeling low because of a break-up, but anything wrong going on in your life that saddens you. A situation like these is very common in everybody's life. We go through pain and heartbreaks many times in our life. It can be because of the failure to perform your job well or it can be losing someone close to us or going through a break-up or failure in clearing your exam and there so many other reasons. Its common and happens to everybody so just take a deep breath and really focus all your energy on things that bring out the positive person inside you. All you need is to figure out what is wrong and what is it that you can do to help yourself.

The best way to get your mind to divert is to keep yourself busy. Spend time in doing things that you love. I know this is easy said than done but it's your only way to go. Talk to your parents or friends or your wife or girlfriend whoever you think can make you feel better. Read books like "The magic of thinking big", really inspirational book that I have read. Invest your time in building your personality by learning a new skill, like, playing guitar or improving communication. Trust me, nothing will satisfy you more than seeing yourself growing.

Things like taking a nap, listening to music, playing with pets or even street animals, writing, painting, or sometimes you just need a good shower and massage to relax your mind, watch your favorite movie or TV shows. These are little things but they help. Personally, I like to write. Now I am not a writer but I feel it is the best way to take it all on a piece of paper without actually sharing it with anyone. Write whatever is on your mind or write about your day.

Now after all these when you feel better it's time to continue doing it and also prioritizing things so that you don't relapse. Prioritizing is giving time to all important elements in your life such as your job, your relationships, your health and also to spend time on your own. I suggest you give top priority to your health and spending time and analyzing your own performance, both professional and personal, to stay joyful.

Be a person who you can be proud of and always work in making yourself that person. Don't ever stop building yourself.



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