The world categorises people into two- People and who like relationship and people who don't. I was always the mixture of these two. I am very open to a relationship and I also enjoy being single. Both of these statuses have their own qualities that are just awesome. I am the third kind that is very unpopular and I don't think many people even heard this term. I am a Quirkyalone. Incredibly Quirkyalone Quirkyalone is people who enjoy their single status but are very open to relationships also. People like me don't go dating every now and then or just for the sake of being in a relationship or to show off ourselves as "cool" or catching up with the "trend". We take relationships very seriously, not that others don't but, We look for a partner with whom we can have a longer and a meaningful relationship. Not just that, a break up doesn't put us into a shell of anti-relationship. We are still very positive about relationships. It feels good t...
Life, A journey of different events that occur, pursuing or discovering different hobbies, building new relationships and getting to know more people, Playing favourite sports, hanging out with friends, Dinner with family, those secret meetings with girlfriend/boyfriend, learning how to behave in school to absolutely not applying that in college, and making to ourselves qualified enough to earn money. But is life always the things that I have mentioned above? Is it always positive? No. Life is complicated and it will be always. Negatives and positives will always be there. It's on us how well we are able to admire and focus on our positives and ignoring the negatives or fixing it. Family and Friends are the Keys Interacting with your family and friends will help you know what are your qualities and what things have a negative impact on your life. You will understand better what is best for you, how good you are at it and how can you improve. But final decision should ...